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Selectmen Minutes 07/03/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 3, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT: Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Chairman Colbert was excused.

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:02pm.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department Dismissal   
PRESENT: Jon Fehr, John Prickett, Stephen Stock and Paul Sanborn    

Mr. Fehr came before the Board to dispute his recent termination by Chief Vien.

The reason presented to the Board by the Fire Chief was falsification of employment records.  
Mr. Fehr stated to the Board he was told to fill out a new application omitting certain information on directive from then Fire Chief Mike Paveglio.

Mr. Fehr also discussed the alleged complaints received against him and the resulting consequences as a result of his conduct while in his probationary status on the department.

Mr. Fehr stated the Fire Chief has not given him the opportunity to address this termination, the Fire Chief is lying and deceiving the Board of Selectmen and ruining Mr. Fehr’s reputation.

Mr. Fehr is requesting to be re-instated on the Chichester Volunteer Fire/Rescue and asked the Board of Selectmen to investigate this matter in depth with the Fire Chief.  Mr. Fehr has spoken to legal counsel and indicated he will pursue this matter in court if need be.

SUBJECT: Abatement Request, map 5, lot 87 & 87A
PRESENT: Anthony Palisi

Mr. Palisi believes he is being penalized by the town because he received an additional tax bill this year as a result of the separation of his property into two lots.  At Mr. Palisi’s request, the town forwarded deed information to the contracted mapping firm; Cartographic who determined the deeds described two separate lots and corrected the tax maps accordingly.  The assessor created the additional lot and assessed it appropriately.  This resulted in the additional tax bill Mr. Palisi was issued.  

Mr. Palisi stated it was the town that combined his property in the 1960’s and he could not build another house for his father and now the town was after him again with these additional taxes that  he could not afford.  

The Board explained to Mr. Palisi that he has been incorrectly taxed in the past and now he is taxed appropriately on two separate house lots.  Should he still disagree with the assessment placed on the two properties, he may file an abatement per statute after the final tax bill is issued in the fall.

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BOS minutes
July 3, 2007

SUBJECT: Impact Fee Hardship
PRESENT: Jim Mullaney, Mike Currid & David Paveglio; Building Inspector  

Mr. Mullaney requested the Board review the town’s position on payment of impact fees at the time the building permit is issued. RSA 674:21, Innovative Land Use Controls allows for the municipality to set an alternate schedule for payment of impact fees in place of collecting them at issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.  The town’s current handling will create a hardship for Mr. Mullaney who will need to come up with $20,000 in January of 2008 to receive his building permits for 2008.

Mr. Paveglio explained the reason the town handled this in this fashion was because he as building inspector, had made the request to the Board of Selectmen so that he would not have to chase people around and be a bill collector.   The Selectmen agreed to review the matter and take Mr. Mullaney’s request under advisement.

Mr. Mullaney briefly discussed the time limitations set on the building permits and questioned whether or not they were lawful.  

PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent

Mr. Kenneally updated the Board on the issues that arose with the Site Specific Bureau on the Wetlands Permits.  The plans from Brown Engineering were not adequate per the State.  CLD, the town’s engineering firm has scrambled to submit acceptable plans so the State would issue the permits. There are some site changes; Mr. Kenneally did not know what additional costs if any, would be at this point.

Mr. Kenneally requested the Town Administrator be given authorization to be the certifying official for the town in order to proceed with the Storm water filing for the EPA.  The Board authorized the Administrator to be the certifying official.  

Selectman DeBold commented on the great job done on the proposal for the loader lease/purchase.  An informational meeting is scheduled for next week.

Selectman MacCleery asked if the Road Agent had checked with surplus for this piece of equipment.  The Road Agent responded yes to both the State and Federal sides and nothing was available.  


OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the candidate interview held for an alternate member on the Board of Adjustment.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and second by Selectman DeBold to appoint Richard Millette for a one year alternate position on the Board of Adjustment.   Both were in favor.  Motion carries.  

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BOS minutes
July 3, 2007

The Selectmen briefly reviewed and edited the first draft of the updated personnel policies. This will be discussed in more depth next week with a full board.  

The public hearings have been scheduled for the sale of the town’s property on Towle Road.  The wording of the bid and minimum bid price was discussed.  Selectman DeBold will walk the lot to review its condition.

Selectman DeBold reported the gate and post work at Carpenter Park is complete.  The highway department has placed boulders to block the access off Carpenter Road.

The Administrator has sent a memo to the Planning Board per the Selectmen’s request to begin the updating of the Capital Improvement Program.


The Board and resident Chris Weir engaged in a discussion on the problems that continue to arise as a result of the Planning Board issuing conditional approvals. The general opinion was to curtail them as much as possible.  A suggestion was made to have a joint meeting with the Planning Board, the Board of Selectmen and the Department Heads to discuss these issues.   

Selectman MacCleery received a call from Julie Patterson and Tim Benjamin informing him of their interest to have the sheep return to the Shaw Field to graze.  Both Board members were in agreement of this to continue provided the terms of the agreement remain the same and satisfactory insurance is on file with the town.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Evan McCanney regarding excessive speed on Route 28 and the request to join with him in writing to the State to request a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Route 28 and Webster Mills Road.  The Board will take this under advisement.  

The remaining mail was reviewed.  Payroll and Accounts Payable was signed.

Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN